Craig has had to work in Ohio the past 4 days and we still have 2 days to go. We are going a bit crazy today since we are stuck at our hotel and we have no car and there isn't really anywhere within walking distance except other hotels. So...we decided that our only option for lunch was to order pizza. Here the kids are waiting for the delivery man:

We started our Ohio journey in Circleville, OH. We arrived Wednesday night and then went to visit some friends an hour away while daddy worked on Thursday. Here's Morgan, Ben, Jaron and Paige:

We had fun playing on a new playground and having Coldstone ice cream TWO times in one day!! :)

Friday we found a fun little playground with some water fountains. The kids played for a while and then we found out that daddy was going to have to stay until Tuesday instead of going home on Saturday. We made plans to try to do something fun in Columbus on Saturday to break up the weekend. We decided to go to a baseball game as a family and the kids were so excited. Well, Saturday brought lots of rain, so we ended up seeing Despicable Me. It was a cute movie.
Yesterday, we made it up to Canton, OH. We made a stop at Target to get some more diapers and waste some time :) Jaron also got some big boy underwear and even went potty at Target!!
My brother and sister in law only live an hour from there, so they came over and had dinner with us and swam with the kids. Aunt Alli even brought us homemade chocolate chip cookies!!
Morgan has been using inventive spelling and this morning, she wrote down a bunch of animals! I was very impressed. She starts pre-school on Wednesday and she is sooo ready!
Cat, Bat, Dog, Tiger, Lion, Bear, Pig, Dinosaur, Horsey
Well, the pizza should be here soon. Just thought I'd give a little update!