Tuesday, May 1, 2012

A Good Reminder

"Every hour of the day is useful and may lead to divine inspiration...every hour of the day is holy. What matters is to live it as Jesus taught us. And for this, one does not have to shut oneself in a monastery or fix strange & inhumane regimes for one's life. It is enough to accept the realities of life. Work is one of these realities; motherhood, the rearing of children, family life with all its obligations are others."
-an excerpt from Letters from the Dessert by Carlo Carretto

I'm so thankful for this reminder. In my crazy life, it is enough to just accept the craziness as realities of life.  I don't have to shut myself in my closet or steal away to a place of solitude to see every hour as useful and holy.  God is helping me to see each moment as a gift from Him and to not ever minimize what being a stay at home mommy means for my family.  So thankful for this opportunity and wouldn't trade my craziness for all the "normalcy" in the world!!

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